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At the University of Porto we maintain collaboration with the following research groups:


Prof. Salette Reis in the area of Nanotechnology (design of smart drug delivery systems and development of new nanoformulations for bioactive ligands and metal complexes)

Prof. Maria João Ramos and Prof. Pedro Fernandes in the area of Computational Biochemistry (drug design and drug-membrane interactions)

Prof. Maria de Lourdes Bastos, Prof. Fernando Remião and Prof. Helena Carmo in the area of Toxicology (evaluation of citotoxicity of new drugs and hypoglycemic activity of zinc and vanadium complexes)


Prof. Graça Porto in the area of Iron Biology (design of iron chelators and evaluation of NTBI)


Prof. Maria Salomé Gomes in the area of Microbiology (evaluation of antimicrobial activity of iron chelators against M. avium infection)


Prof. Eduarda Fernandes in the area of Free Radicals and Antioxidants (evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of metal ion complexes)


Prof. Luisa Peixe in the area of Microbiology (evaluation of metal ion chelators activity against clinically relevant Gram positive bacteria)

At the Portuguese Catholic University (Faculty of Biotechnology) we maintain collaboration with the following research groups:

Prof. António Rangel in the area of Flow Injection Analytical Methodologies (development of new chromogenic reagents to assess metal ion content of sea and coastal waters)

Dr. Marta Vasconcelos in the area of Plant Nutrition (evaluation of new iron chelates to treat Fe deficient chlorosis)



At the Università di Palermo (Italy) we maintain collaboration with Prof. Giampaolo Barone in the area of Computational Chemistry and Molecular Dynamics Simulation

At the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Spain) we maintain collaboration with Prof. Jose M. Pedrosa in the area of thin film preparation and gas sensing

At the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies, IMDEA Nanociencia (Spain) we maintain collaboration with Dr. Juan Cabanillas-Gonzalez in the area of optical spectroscopy and applications of optical active materials

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